Friday 17th July

Hello Class 5,

Welcome to your last day of being in Year 5! 😃

What a different summer term it's been for all of us! I'd like to say a huge well done 🌟👏 for all your hard work with the Home Learning activities; please say a massive thank you to anyone that has helped you with them over the last few months. Thanks for sending in all the photos and messages for me to share on the blog - I've really enjoyed seeing what you've been doing.

I'm really looking forward to seeing lots of you at school tomorrow!! If you're one of the ones coming in, please can you bring a plastic bag with you so that you can take home your school books.

If you're not able to come tomorrow, please don't worry - I'm going to put up a final blog post afterwards so you can find out any messages that were given to your class.

Here are some activities that you might like to have a go at on Friday or over the summer holidays:

See you soon, 

Mrs Piper 



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