Wednesday 13th May

Hello Class 5,

Hope you're all having a good week so far.

Here are your tasks for Wednesday:

Wednesday 13th May

A big well done to those of you that took part in day one of the 'Gloucestershire Rockstars Championship' - you've got us off to a great start! It was really pleasing to see that lots of you took part and achieved some fantastic scores. Currently our school is in 50th position overall, out of about 90 schools. Some schools have more classes and year groups involved than ours, so you're doing really well. Please join in again tomorrow and Thursday if you can. If you didn't take part today but you'd like to give it a go, just log in between 10am and 1pm on Wednesday and Thursday and answer as many questions as you can - let's see if we can climb the leaderboards! ⭐🎸😎

Enjoy your day,

Mrs Piper


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