Thursday 30th April

Note to parents: Please remember that these are suggested activities for the day. Set the level of work that you feel appropriate and achievable. There is no expectation for you to print work at home. The majority of work suggested can be written straight into Home Learning books, see the daily instructions for advice.

Hello Class 5,

I hope you're all well and have enjoyed designing your own playgrounds.

Here are your tasks for Thursday:

Thursday 30th April

If you have time please try to complete a spelling activity too.

Please also find a link below to the very first National online assembly that the Archbishop of Canterbury will be delivering to pupils across the country. It will be streamed live on Thursday at 10am but will be available to watch after that time too.

Please take time to sit down and watch it with your parents.

Archbishop of Canterbury Assembly

Mr Staley has asked if you would like to write a couple of sentences about the message you think the Archbishop of Canterbury is giving, or about any similarities that you noticed with own assemblies. Please send your thoughts in by email to Mr Staley will read them and write a reply to each one received.

Just a quick update on the care home letters - they've now been received by the residents and they were delighted with them. Apparently there were lots of smiling faces when they read them.😃

Thanks very much for the work and wonderful photos you've been sending in - keep an eye out for the next blog post! 👀

Have a good day,

Mrs Piper


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