Wednesday 10th February 2021

Good morning,

Please be ready to meet at 9am and 1.10pm for today's meetings. There is also a live worship at 11.10am.

Sentence of the Day

Complete Wednesday's Sentence of the Day task.


Complete two more activities on Reading Plus.

Spelling Shed

Maths - WALT: Add fractions

Starter - Answer the Week 3 Day 3 questions on the Flashback 4 PowerPoint below.

Flashback 4

Flashback 4 Answers

1. 0.32 + 1.8.7 = 

2. 1.32  =  0.7 + ?




Extra Challenge

Times Table Rock Stars

11.10am - Live Worship 

English - WALT: Use persuasive language

Part of the function of travel writing is often to persuade people to go to a particular place. 

Read the example of The Niagara Falls by Rupert Brooke and focus on how he has used descriptive vocabulary to persuade.

Look at the photo of an Austrian lake (see resources) and write down some descriptive words and phrases. Then link some of these together to make a glowing persuasive text that could be used in a brochure. 

Find a picture from the county that you researched yesterday to write another persuasive paragraph.

Use a range of adjectives and adverbs to make your location sound as appealing as possible.

For more/alternative photos see 

Quiet Reading

Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.

P.E. - WALT: Stay fit and healthy

Take part in today's Joe Wicks workout. If you would prefer to take part in a different physical activity, you are welcome to do so.

Joe Wicks Link

If you have any time after, think of a wellbeing activity that you can do. This might be more exercise, playing a musical instrument or listening to music.

French - WALT: Learn about French hobbies

Mrs Gifford will once again deliver a live lesson so please log back in to Zoom at 2.10pm. 

Vocab List



PTA Competition

Competition time!

The school PTA has this week launched a virtual pet show, just for a bit of fun over the half term holidays. Don't worry if you don't have a pet though, you can still take part!

The PTA are also very excited to announce that they have a celebrity head judge to help decide the overall 'best in show' - BBC Countryfile and Cotswold Farm Park's very own Adam Henson will be judging the final winner!

How to enter:

1. Take a look at the categories below and decide which one you would like to enter. Take a photo of your pet, or if you're entering the 'anything goes' category get creative with your pens/paint/play doh. You could take your camera out during your next walk and see what you can spot - a bird, creepy crawly, horse or maybe even your neighbour's cat?

2. Once you have a photo or drawing, ask a grown up to help you email it into the PTA at stating the category you're entering, name and class by Friday 19 February.

The categories are:
  • Dashing dogs.
  • Anything goes - a picture/photo of your favourite cuddly animal or an animal you see on your daily walks.
  • Cute cats.
  • Teacher's pets - just for school staff.
  • Super small animals.
You can only enter each pet once, BUT you can enter as many categories as you have pets.

PrizesVotes will be counted and category winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will win a rosette. Adam Henson will then select the overall 'best in show'. The winner and their pet will receive a special prize.

Questions? If you have any queries, please email the PTA at:

See you all at 9am!

Take care,

Mr Smith


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