Friday 15th January 2021

Good morning,

Please be ready to meet at 9am and 1.10pm for today's meetings. 

I will read out your spelling words this afternoon so make sure that you have your pen and book ready.


Sentence of the Day

Complete Friday's Sentence of the Day task.

Sentence of the Day

Open the Book


Spelling Shed

Complete this week's spelling task.

Spelling Sheet

Spelling Test - 1.10pm

Maths - WALT: Divide  3-digit by 1-digit numbers


879 x 9 =

? ÷ 3 = 20 

3/5 of 250 = 

60 x 60 = 

896,932 – 1,859 = 




Extra Challenge

Times Table Rock Stars

English - WALT: Write a short story

Use your plan from yesterday to write your short story. Make sure that you complete the success criteria evidence sheet (see below). Please check and edit your work when you have finished. It would great to hear some stories this afternoon.

Success Criteria

Class 5 No Excuses

Quiet Reading

Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.

Science - WALT: Understand the effect that gravity has on objects and how the first theory of gravity was developed

Watch the PowerPoint below and follow the instructions.

Gravity PP

Fact Sheet

Complete the 3 star questions.


Outdoor Classroom

If you have permission from an adult at home, please go outside for a walk. Below is a twig identification sheet that you can use.

If you are not able to go out at this time please attempt to do so over the weekend. You could use the time to catch up on the week's work or to continue with you country presentation.

Twig ID Sheet

If you have time, take part in today's Joe Wicks workout.

Joe Wicks Link

See you all at 9am!

Take care,

Mr Smith


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