Monday 18th January 2021

Good morning,

I hope that you all had a great weekend.

Please be ready to meet at 9am and 1.10pm for today's meetings. 

Sentence of the Day

Complete Monday's Sentence of the Day task.

Sentence of the Day


Read the text and complete the questions.

Reading Comprehension


Spelling Shed

Maths - WALT: Divide  4-digit by 1-digit numbers

Starter - For the next few weeks you will be answering questions on the Flashback 4 PowerPoint below.

Flashback 4 Questions

Flashback 4 Answers




Today's challenge is from the NRICH website.

The computer will think of a number between 1 and 100. Can you work out what it is?

Choose a divisor and the computer will give you some information about the number.
The fewer divisions you require, the more points you get:

If you identify the number correctly after

1 or 2 divisions  - you gain 12 points
3 divisions - you gain 11 points
4 divisions - you gain 9 points
5 divisions - you gain 6 points
6 divisions - you gain 3 points
7 or more divisions - you gain 1 point

If you guess wrongly you lose 15 points, even if your guess satisfies all the criteria.

Extra Challenge

Times Table Rock Stars

English - WALT: Use spellings in context

Spelling words: prefer, preferring, preferred, preference, preference, co-own, re-elect, suffer, suffered, lightning, leisure

Please complete this week's spelling story using the success criteria below.

Success criteria:

  • Use a relative clause
  • Use at least two adverbials 
  • Use an apostrophe for contraction
  • Use a subordinate clause and the beginning of a sentence
  • Use a semi-colon

Class 5 No Excuses

Quiet Reading

Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.


Think about the work you did last lesson about the qualities people need in certain situations. Look back at the list of qualities a you thought a Saviour would need.

Using these qualities and the attached verses from the Old Testament that the People of God used to look forward to God sending them a rescuer – a Messiah e.g. he will be fair, possess wisdom. Use a blank piece of paper or the attached template to create a ‘Wanted’ poster for the Messiah.

Wanted Poster


Music - WALT: Explore beats in a bar

In this lesson, we are going to explore how music is organised and look at music with 4 beats in a bar.

Updated Music Link - Watch Lesson 2

If you have time, take part in today's Joe Wicks workout.

Joe Wicks Link

Project Guidance

See you all at 9am!

Take care,

Mr Smith


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