Thursday 14th January 2021

Good morning,

Please be ready to meet at 9am and 1.10pm for today's meetings.

Here is a suggested timetable for the next few weeks:


Sentence of the Day

Complete Thursday's Sentence of the Day task.

Sentence of the Day


Complete today's reading task. There are 3 levels to choose from. Most of you should attempt the more challenging 3 star text and questions.

Reading Comprehension

iSingPop Assembly - Episode 2
Watch today's assembly with the iSingPop Team by clicking on the link and entering the password.  There are also some activities that accompany the assembly.

PASSWORD: spring

This will be available for today only.

Maths - WALT: Divide  2-digit by 1-digit numbers

There are two videos and two worksheets to view today. These lessons are a recap of last year's work.


700 + 200 =

4/5 of 600 = 

638 x 5 = 

500 x 600 = 

88,483 – 79,948 = 

Video 1

Video 2

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Answers 1

Answers 2

Extra Challenge

English - WALT: Plan a short story

Short Story PP

Planning Sheet

Spelling Shed

Quiet Reading

Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.

Computing - WALT: Identify spam emails and deal with them appropriately

Read through the PowerPoint below.

Online Safety PP

Answer the 3 star multiple-choice and open questions to explain the risks of spam emails, how to deal with them, and how to avoid receiving more spam emails in the future.

Activity Sheet

Art - WALT: Use different techniques to draw

Follow the PowerPoint below and complete the activity sheets. If you have pencils with different tones, it would be useful to have them for this lesson. If not, you can still complete the tasks with a normal HB pencil.

Art PP

Texture Activity

Shading Circles

Shading Objects Activity

See you all at 9am!

Take care,

Mr Smith


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