Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good morning,

Please log in to Zoom for our 9am meeting. We will also meet at 1.10pm.

Sentence of the Day

Complete Tuesday's Sentence of the Day task.


Neatly copy the handwriting tasks into your book.

Handwriting 1

Handwriting 2

English - WALT: Describe a spooky setting

Read the extract below and identify where vocabulary has been used effectively.

Spooky Story Example

Use the sheet below to plan your own story setting. You can use one of the pictures on the sheets or think of your own.

Setting Plan

Write your own setting description. Remember, you only have to write the opening to a chapter or story. Use the vocab sheet below if you need it.


Make sure that you include:

  • A range of descriptive adjectives
  • A range of clauses (relative and subordinate)
  • A range of adverbials
  • A range of accurate punctuation
Check and edit your work when you have finished.

Maths - WALT: Multiply 4-digit by 2-digit numbers


40 x 70 = 

431 x 7 = 

1/7 x 140 = 

2/6 + 3/6 = 

18,035 + 112,404 =




Extra Challenge

Quiet Reading

Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.

Topic - WALT: Use geographical terminology to describe locations

Read through the PowerPoint below.

Location PP

Complete the comparison chart to describe key physical features of three different places in the Americas.

Comparison Chart - Complete the 3 star version on page 3 (answers on page 4)

Word search (Only if you have time at the end of the day)

CPSHE - WALT: Understand the difference between a fact and an opinion

Follow the instructions on the link below.


Activity Sheet

Look at the list of facts you have made. Write a new report which uses the same facts but which gives the opposite point of view. Think about what the benefits would be of having a new bridge in this area and what words or phrases they could use to put their opinions across.


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