Thursday 21st January 2021

Good morning,

Please be ready to meet at 9am and 1.10pm for today's meetings. 

Sentence of the Day

Complete Thursday's Sentence of the Day task.

Sentence of the Day


Non Fiction Reading


Spelling Shed

iSingPop Assembly - Episode 3 - Love
Watch today's assembly with the iSingPop Team by clicking on the link and entering the password.  There are also some activities that accompany the assembly (see below).

PASSWORD: spring

This will be available for today.

Maths - WALT: Recognise equivalent fractions

Today's lessons are recaps from last year. The first activity is quite straightforward so if you fully understand it, you only need to watch the video. Please complete the Equivalent Fractions sheet below once you have watched the second video. 

Starter - Answer the Week 1 Day 4 questions on the Flashback 4 PowerPoint below.

Flashback 4 Questions

Flashback 4 Answers

1. 7638 x 87 =

2. 8526 divided by 7 =

Fractions Video 1

Equivalent Fractions Video

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Answers 1

Answers 2

Extra Challenge

Matching Fractions

Look at the cards on the link above and think about questions below.

  • How might you group/sort the cards?
  • How might you order the cards?
  • What is the same about the cards? What is different?
  • Take three or four cards. Which one doesn't belong? Why? Can you choose a different card which doesn't belong? Why?
  • Create another pair for the set. Can you create a pair which you think would be relatively easy to match? Can you create a pair which is harder to match? How did you decide which was easy and which was difficult.
Have a go at the interactive task below where you need to find pairs of matching fractions.

Times Table Rock Stars

English - WALT: Structure an argument

When we meet at 9am, I will explain the task in more detail. You need to think of something that you think should be banned and write an argument about it. Read the example that I have given below and using the writing frame to structure your own argument. It would be great to hear some of your arguments during this afternoon's Zoom meeting.

Argument Resources

Word Mat

Class 5 No Excuses

Quiet Reading

Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.

Computing - WALT: Create secure passwords

Today we are going to look at creating powerful passwords. Look through the PowerPoint below and complete the worksheet.

Computing PP

Powerful Passwords Worksheet

Art - WALT: Create a range of tones to shade objects

We are continuing to look at still life drawing with a focus on tonal shading. Look through the PowerPoint then watch the video for extra guidance. Complete the activity on the final link.

How to draw using continuous tone - YouTube

Tonal Shading PP

Tonal Shading Activity

See you all at 9am!

Take care,

Mr Smith


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