Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning,
Please be ready to meet at 9am and 1.10pm for today's meetings.
Sentence of the Day
Complete Tuesday's Sentence of the Day task.
Spelling Shed
Maths - WALT: Divide with remainders
Starter - Answer the Week 1 Day 2 questions on the Flashback 4 PowerPoint below.
6527 x 43 =
3,282 divided by 6 =
Today's challenge is from the NRICH website.
The computer will think of a number between 1 and 100. Can you work out what it is?
Choose a divisor and the computer will give you some information about the number.
The fewer divisions you require, the more points you get:
If you identify the number correctly after
If you guess wrongly you lose 15 points, even if your guess satisfies all the criteria.
Times Table Rock Stars
English - WALT: Edit and improve my work
Some of you may need to use part of today's lesson to finish off you story. Please spend some time ensuring that you have checked and edited your work.
I would like you to choose one paragraph that you think you could improve. Re-write the paragraph in your English book.
1. Finish writing your story
2. Check and edit your work
3. Complete the success criteria evidence sheet and email it to
4. Choose a paragraph that could be improved
5. Re-write the paragraph into your books
Quiet Reading
Find a good book and somewhere comfortable to sit. Spend at least 20 minutes reading independently.
Topic - WALT: Describe climates and biomes of different regions across the Americas
Read the information about the Koppen System on the Lesson Presentation. Look at the Koppen System Information Sheets, compare the table and map, think about climate groups/types.
Read the information about biomes on the following slide, following the link for more detail if necessary.
Complete the Climates of America activity sheet. Find information about places with different climates in the Americas to complete the table.
Complete the Preparing for the Weather Activity Sheet using the Koppen System Information Sheets and suggested websites (Climatemps, Met Office and Weatherbase). Create a weather forecast for a place in the Americas and compare this to Cheltenham.
Information Sheet Koppen System
CPSHE - WALT: Identify and describe and respect the different groups that make up our community
Think about everyone who is in the class. What can you think of that makes everyone different from each other?
Just as the class is made up of lots of different people, all with individual attributes and qualities, so our society is made up of lots of different groups of people who similarly all have their own attributes and qualities.
You are going to think about some of those different groups of people and think about what they bring to society in the United Kingdom.
The Land of the Red People
Read the story The Land of the Red People story (see below).
Follow up with some key questions about the story such as:
- Were the Red People happy before the other people arrived in their land?
- How did they feel as the other people arrived in their land?
- Do you think the land was better or worse for having all the different people living there? Why?
- Why do you think the Leader’s son thought it would be better to have just the Red People living in the land again? Would you have agreed with him? Why / why not?
- What do you think the message of the story is?
This story is a metaphor. [a metaphor is a term or phrase that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren't exactly alike but have something in common.]
The Land of the Red People Text
See you all at 9am!
Take care,
Mr Smith
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